Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Fairy Dust Faith

This past weekend, my husband and I had the pleasure of taking our little girl to see Disney on Ice in downtown Indianapolis. This was our very first time introducing her to the magic of anything Disney. (well, besides her Tiana and Ariel barbies) This was her first time to experience the wonder, magic, and awe that you get to experience when any Disney character is right in front of you. Mickey Mouse, Minnie Mouse, Donald Duck, Goofy, Tinkerbell, Ariel, and Mater were just a few that her little blue eyes got to see. She was sitting on my husband's lap. I planned it that way. I wanted to capture into a photograph, her cute little face in complete awe of this magical show taking place right before her eyes. As a voice came over the speakers, telling us the show was about to start, I got out our camera and was ready to take pictures of her taking it all in. It didn't go as planned. When the lights went out, and the spotlight went to the curtain, out came Mickey Mouse and Minnie Mouse in a cute little red car, and they drove around on the ice talking and waving to all the children. See, I wanted so badly to get some pictures right at the moment, but instead my heart melted. I wish I could explain her looks, expressions, and excitement at that moment. Her excitement and wonder didn't stop there. The whole night her face was just so precious watching all the characters skate around on the ice and in her little eyes, it was all magic. In her eyes, Tinkerbell could do absolutely anything. My eyes were filled with happy tears throughout the night just watching my daughter fall in love with something so magical and fun. Instead of snapping pictures right away, I had to just sit and watch her take it all in, and watch each Disney character with that twinkle in her eyes. 

Without going into detail, yesterday, Will and I "got the wind knocked out of our sail" financially. Something we were not expecting, hit us like a ton of bricks. So, today I have really felt just simply "blah." I put the kids to bed for nap time and I sat down with my computer and turned on the song "Your Presence is Heaven to Me" with Israel Houghton singing it. It is a song that we sing often in church, and it is my personal song I go to when I need a pick me up and a reminder that God is with me in every situation in life. I then looked through the pictures of the Disney on Ice on my facebook page. There are some cute pictures that captured my cutie's awe and wonder. I then got to thinking. What if I had that same wonder, awe, and mindset that Lina'e had that night. The mindset that Tinkerbell could do absolutely ANYTHING with her fairy dust (aka:glitter). What if I had the mindset that my God could do ANYTHING if I just had the same faith of my child. What if I had that same child-like faith to believe that my God is going to supply all our needs. Time and time and time again, He has proved Himself faithful to me, to us. Why am I having such a hard time right now believing that God is going to provide for us financially? If I can believe with enough faith that God is going to answer my small prayers such as giving me energy for the day, or Kagon eating his meal without a fit, or allowing me to get laundry done, then why can't I have enough faith that God is going to take care of us during this time? Last summer, we moved to a place where we pay a ridiculous amount in rent each month (cheapest around here ), and we had to live on Will's financial aid money from May until September. ($3500). We made it through. I have absolutely no idea how we made it (although it was a very long summer), but we did. God provided over and over and over again. So why when I know He has brought us through one of our toughest financial spots yet, why can't I trust Him this time. Maybe it's because I am human. Maybe it is because I want to try to fix it by myself. Maybe it is because I truly lack the faith that I need to overcome this hurdle. Yeah, we are in a rough spot right now but I know that He will see us through. I am going to start having fairy dust faith, the type of faith that I can believe anything can happen with the God I serve. Little did Lina'e know it, she taught her mommy a very important lesson. She taught me to see things through the eyes of a child. If Lina'e can believe that there really is a mermaid that lives under the sea with a talking fish and a talking crab, and if she can believe that there is a little fairy that flies around sprinkling fairy dust everywhere, then certainly I can believe that God is going to take us out of this valley and take us to our mountaintop soon.

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