Friday, May 10, 2013

A Tribute To My Mother....

As Mother's Day is just a day away, I am reminded and oh so thankful for the mother that God blessed me and my sister with. When I think of my mom, many things come to mind. I think of different memories, ways she has sacrificed over the years, her hard work for our family, her encouragement, her prayers, her love, her support, her guidance, and the list could go on and on and on. Let me share with you some things I remember about my mom and how special she is. 

1) I don't really remember this event, but every time I hear the story, I know that my moms heart was full of worry because she loved me so much. (to make a long story short) When I was 2 years old, I was lifelined to Methodist Hospital in Indianapolis because of what they thought was Croup. I stopped breathing and they had to bring me back to life 2 or 3 times. (I can't remember) My grandpa was at work and somehow the message got turned around and he got the message that I was gone. Even though I don't remember this, I am sure my mom was right by my side during this. I am sure my mom might have even shed a tear or two. I am sure she prayed many prayers. Well, because that's what my mom does.

2) I remember in elementary school (and probably even preschool), we had school programs. The one I remember clearly is the Christmas program. It was a big thing to have a nice, new Christmas dress to wear to the program. We didn't always have a ton of money, but somehow me and my sister always had a new dress to wear. I remember one year we were going through a tough spot financially as a family, and I remember crying to my mom about me being the only one who wouldn't have a new dress to wear. I could sense and see the hurt and disappointment in her eyes and heart. Long story short...they somehow worked it out. I had a new dress for that program. That's what my mom does.

3) I remember the year I wanted to make the Elementary volleyball team so bad! This was my last chance. The years before, I didn't make it. So, this year I worked so hard and I was certain I was going to make the team. My mom picked me up and we sat in the car and waited for the list of people who made the team to be posted. I was so excited! When I heard that the list had been posted in the gym I ran in looking for my name. As I heard girls screaming and hugging with excitement, I discovered my name wasn't on the list. I didn't make it. All I could do was try to hold in the tears until I got to the car. I think my mom knew as soon as she saw me come out of the gym. I got in the car and just bawled. All my friends had made it, I didn't. My mom held me while I cried and told me that I had tried my hardest and that God gave me other gifts that He didn't give those girls. She comforted her devastated daughter that day. That's what my mom does.

4) I remember when my mom was my teacher in 6th grade. One day me and my 2 best friends had had a really big fight. (remember those silly fights in school?? :) ) We all were crying like girls, and my mom called us all out in the hall. She told us that whatever we were fighting about (can't even remember) was silly and that we weren't allowed to come back into the classroom until we had worked it out. Of course we all went back into the classroom giggling like we hadn't even been fighting. My mom cared about my relationships. That's what my mom does.

5) I remember after I graduated high school, I went to South Carolina for college. I remember packing up the van and heading to South Carolina. My stomach felt sick the whole way there. (I got homesick easily) I remember her trying to build up this school and how much fun I would have. I remember her helping me make my dorm room inviting, and homey. I remember her putting my new bed sheets and comforter on my bed, pictures on my desk and dresser, hanging up all my clothes. Anything to make me feel better about being so far from home. I remember when it was time for them to leave. I walked them out, and I remember sobbing as I watched them drive away without me. My mom told me later that it was one of the hardest things she has ever had to do. My mom has a heart. My mom cares about my feelings. My mom sometimes misses me. That's what my mom does.

6) I remember my wedding day. I remember her fastening my wedding dress, all her hard work put into the wedding. I remember her hosting a lot of family for this special event. I remember her watching me have fun with my bridesmaids one last time as an engaged woman. I remember her watching me arm in arm with my daddy, walking down the aisle to my soon to be husband. I remember how special the reception was that she worked so hard at putting together. I remember her last hug before we left for our honeymoon as a married couple. I remember that "I Love You" in my ear following that hug. My mom makes my days special. That's what my mom does.

7) I remember the day we found out we were losing our son, Eli. We were having them over for supper and I was busy getting dinner ready, when I found out the news. My mom and dad and sister walked in expecting to have a fun dinner together, but instead my mom found me sobbing on the floor. Right then and there, my mom put her arms around me and laid down beside me and cried with me. The next day Eli left us. My mom again held me as I cried begging her and my husband to bring me my boy back. My mom holds me while I cry. That's just what my mom does. 

8) I remember my mom being in the court room when both children were adopted. I think her smile was the biggest I have ever seen. She was a proud grandma. My mom loves her grandkids. That's just what my mom does.

9) I remember her waiting in the waiting room while Kagon was being born. I remember her being there after I just cut the cord and as I carried a little 5 pound little boy past her and how she stroked his little hand for the first time. I remember her holding this little guy the first time. My mom has so much love in her heart. That's just what my mom does.

Those are just a few of the many, many, many memories I have of my mom. But, there is one more that holds such a special place in my heart. Especially as a mom now. That memory is prayer. My mom has been and still is such a prayer warrior. When she tells you that she is going to pray for you, she prays for you. There is not a day that goes by that she doesn't pray for her family by name. And because she is such a prayer warrior, one of my favorite memories of my mom is her coming into my room (and my sisters) and praying with us every single night. She never missed a night. She would either hold our hand or put her arms around us while we prayed. She did that from my earliest days on earth and she did it the last night I slept at home before my wedding day. That is something special. As a mom, I understand the importance of leading and pointing your children to Christ and what a burden that is in a moms heart. If I didn't have her influence and prayer in my life, I am not exactly sure where I would be in life. 

Mom, on this Mother's Day I want you to know how much you are loved. I want you to know how much of an impact you had (and still have) on my life. You are the most loving, sacrificial, patient, mom I know. Your love for dad, me, and Hannah is a love that I just can't explain. Your early morning prayers for us, your tears of a broken heart because of something we might have done, your hugs, your encouragement...they mean the world. Mom, thank you for loving me unconditionally. No matter what I do, what I say, what I love me no matter what. Mom, thank you for never giving up on me even when I wanted to give up on myself. Mom, thank you for praying for me, especially on those days that I couldn't come up with the words to pray. Mom, thank you for supporting me in all my endeavors, even the ones that flopped big time. Mom, thank you for all your help with the late night school projects and science fair's and math homework. Mom, thank you for loving me for me. And most importantly, thanks mom for pointing me to Christ through your words and actions. Because, well....that's just what you do. I love you mom! Happy Mother's Day!

1 comment:

  1. Oh MY GOSH. I don't even know your mom, but no one could help loving her after reading this! I hope she's read it, too. What a loving testimony. :)
