Wednesday, April 2, 2014

B is for Bothersomes

Each and every one of us have things that bother us, annoy us, tick us off, etc. Sometimes we can't explain why those things bother us, because sometimes they are just down right silly. But, we all have them my husband says my list of "bothersomes" is longer than the normal person. :) So here it "bothersomes."

1. Hearing people chew
2. Hearing people crunch ice (but, I am an ice cruncher and it doesn't bother me to hear myself chew :))
3. When people crunch water bottles. It sends some kind of angry current through my body. LOL
4. Puke ( I have a phobia of throwing up, people throwing up around me, the sound of it, etc)
5. Cereal. (my hubby can vouch for this one) There is something about cereal. Something about the clanging spoon on the bowl, or the disgusting soggy look of the cereal sitting in milk, or the smell. Oh, and when people drink the milk from the cereal, I nearly throw up. 
6. Scraping on a chalkboard or hearing silverware scratch up against a stainless steel sink.
7. When people cuss 
8. Loud bass in cars
9. When people talk on their cell phones in the checkout line when it is their turn. It's rude.
10. When moms judge other moms or criticize each other. We are supposed to be in this thing called life together!!!
11. Selfies. If you are over the age of 12....selfies are not acceptable. :)
12. When people smoke in the car with children.
13. The smell of peanut butter.
14. Talking on the phone. I would much rather text. :)
15. Auto Correct
16. When my husband takes everything out of boxes. 

I am sure my list could go on and on and on, but you are probably already reading this thinking about what an awful and snotty person I am. I promise I am not. If you happen to do any of these things around me, I will forgive you. What are your bothersomes? I guarantee if you start making a list of yours, your list will be long as well. So, what ARE your bothersomes???? Would love to hear.

1 comment:

  1. Your post totally made me smile! I also can't stand the noise of fingernails on a chalkboard, and even worse is the sound of the dentist using that little silver hook thing when they clean my teeth. Ah! Also, riding with people who aren't good drivers because they don't pay attention is the worst. Great A-Z post!
    Abby @
