Monday, January 14, 2013

The Battle of the Moms

I have been brewing over this blog post for several months now, debating whether I should write it or not, worried that I might step on toes, etc. However, I reached my decision the other day when I overheard 2 moms discussing their differences in parenting. You could tell that they both were trying to get the "badge" for being the better mom. I sat there listening as I thought of SEVERAL times I have had discussions with other moms or posts on Facebook I have seen or even posts I have written on Facebook. It was at that time, that there are all these women on this earth battling it out for the title of  "BEST MOM."

There are all kinds of moms out there.... Moms that give their child sugar before they are 1, moms who don't give a rip about feeding their kids everything organic, moms that feed their child everything organic, moms who just breastfeed until their child is 1, moms that don't offer juice, moms that give juice, moms who are germaphobe's, mom's who don't mind if their child eats off the table at a restaurant, moms who cloth diaper, moms who use disposable diapers, moms who breastfeed starting at birth, moms who formula feed at birth, moms who use chemical free cleaners, moms who use the regular cleaners, moms who spank, moms who think their children are angels and never discipline, moms who use time-out, moms who sign with their children, moms who use words with their children, moms who do everything for their children, moms who make their children help around the house, moms who work, moms who stay at home, moms who are rich, and moms who live paycheck to paycheck, moms who spoil their kids, moms who make their children work for what they have, moms who are patient, moms who have little patience, moms that have adopted, moms that have carried their babies, and the list goes on and on and on.

Time and time again I ask myself why I compare myself to other moms? I have 2 great kids that I am so happy and thankful that God chose me to be their mom. If God chose me to be Lina'e and Kagon's mom, why do I need to be comparing myself to "Sue" and "Sally?" Sue and Sally were not made to be Lina'e and Kagon's mom, I was. So if that is true, why do we moms constantly compare ourselves to other moms and why do we try to constantly make ourselves look/sound like the best mom in the whole world? If we use disposable diapers, why do we make that mom who cloth diapers feel like they are ridiculous for doing it? If you breastfeed, why do you make the moms that formula feed feel like they are holding back something great from their poor little formula fed baby? Or why do those of you that feed your child only organic stuff make the parents that don't care about that stuff feel like they are killing their children with all this processed stuff? And why do those moms who are stay at home moms make those moms who work feel like they are depriving their children of a good life? I don't have a good answer to any of those questions. I myself have done it several times, and I have had it done to me numerous times. I am sure I have hurt others by my words and conversations, and I for sure knows how it feels to be on the receiving side of it. 

We ladies are human. We have a sense of pride for our children and our role as a mother. Do we like to intentionally hurt people or brag about what a good mom we are?? Yeah, sometimes. (If you answered no, then you are lying) Does it make God happy when we continually brag about all we do as a mom, and when we continuously hurt other moms? Absolutely not. What happened to loving each other like God loves us? Loving each other no matter if we cloth diaper or use disposables, give our children juice or water, spank or use time out? Being a mom is such a rewarding job, but it has its bad days too. You know those days when your children won't listen to you, or you feel like you haven't been out of the house for days, or those days when you crave adult interaction?? Yeah, we all know we have had those bad days as a mom. So, how about we act our age and become mature women who encourage other moms, love each other unconditionally, and build each other up instead of constantly rubbing in each other's faces that we are the best mom. Because, the reality of it is.......the only world that you are the BEST mom in, is the world of your child's. You are the BEST mom for them, not Sue or Sally's children. God designed you for YOUR children, and YOUR children only. So, let's take care of our own children how we want, and keep our noses out of Sue and Sally's parenting business, and lift each other up. Give yourself a pat on the back, and a ribbon of honor for being the mom God created you to be to your children. That is all that is required of you. Love yourself, love your kids, and love your fellow moms.

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