Tuesday, May 28, 2013

God Designed Siblings

This past week, I had my first dentist appointment in about 5 years. Since moving to Indy, I didn't have a dentist, so my search began. I feel like God led me to the dentist office I went to for a reason. My dental hygienist took time to get to know me, and me and her talked like we had known each other for years. Our stories were similar...trouble getting pregnant, she and her husband thinking about adoption, wanting children so bad, etc. I hate going to the dentist, but like I blogged about earlier...God cares about the little things too. God put this lady in my path for a reason, even if it were just to calm my nerves about the whole dentist thing and finding out I have 9 stinkin' cavities. :) One question she asked me has really made me think since leaving that dentist office that day. She asked me about my kids and asked if they were siblings by birth. I told her no, but then really began thinking about it. My kids are not siblings by birth, but my kids are siblings because of God's design and plan. Out of all the children in the world, God hand-picked Lina'e and Kagon to be brother and sister in our family. Let that sink in...it is a pretty cool thought.

When we adopted Lina'e, I remember praying that God would give us a sibling for her at the right time. Little did we know, a year later we would welcome a precious little 5 lb baby boy into our family through adoption once again. I remember the day I got the call that Kagon's birthmom was in labor. I got to the hospital as fast as I could. She allowed me in the room and I got to watch Kagon enter this world and I was able to cut the cord. I remember wrapping him in one of those ugly hospital blankets that every hospital seems to have, and lifting him in my arms and walking him to the nursery for his vitals and first bath. There, we were greeted by Will, my mom, and Lina'e. I remember Lina'es face when she first saw Kagon. It was like she was thinking..."what in the world is this thing crying and making all this noise? And why are mommy and daddy loving on this thing??" Shortly after, we got a hospital room and Lina'e became very intrigued with him. It was then that I knew that they would be best buds.

My days normally involve the normal "sibling arguments" even at ages 2 and 1, but my days also involve hearing things like..."tea party, Kagon!" and "Come on Kagon, let's slide!" and the silence of knowing that they both are into something they aren't supposed to be in, and the sound of hugs and kisses, and the sound of toddler laughter that just melts your heart over and over again. The way that Kagon looks at his sister and admires her, makes me proud. The way Lina'e worries about Kagon when he cries, just makes me smile. When I watch them play, or when I look back in my rear-view mirror and see 2 little faces smiling and laughing at each other, I thank God for them. God knew that these 2 children would be my world. God knew these 2 children would be my life calling. I don't think I could have created a more perfect match for siblings than these little angels. People often say how blessed these children are to have me as a mom and how much that they needed someone like me. Little do they know, I am the blessed one and little do they know, I needed them. If I could pick a theme quote for their lives it would probably be this..."Siblings by adoption, friends by choice." As a mom to these precious little lives, I look forward to seeing them grow up together as not just siblings but friends. I hope and pray that I am able to live to see them grow up and accomplish big things in this world. However, if it is in God's plan to take me home sooner, I pray that they will always remember how blessed I was to have them as children. I pray that they will always remember to love each other and to always be there for each other. I pray that when they have those days when things seem like they will never work out, they remember how God took two precious babies from two different birthmoms and placed them as siblings in this momma's arms. God takes two different chapters, intertwines them, and it becomes a story. Lina'e and Kagon each have their own story, but by God and His glorious plan, they both became a chapter in my book. They are my story. They are my world.

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