Thursday, May 2, 2013

The Little Things

Do you ever have one of those times when one thing after another just keeps building and building and building in your system, and finally you can't take it anymore and you finally just melt. I am not talking about a few tear drops. Ladies, I am talking about the full-fledged, throw yourself on the bed, mascara running all over the place, snot oozing out of your nose, sobbing into your pillow kind of meltdown???Yeah, well I had one of those last night. It is good for the soul. Right? After listing the many things that have been building up inside me to my husband, he put his arms around me and just listened and reassured me that everything is going to be ok. One of the things that I told him was that I just feel so unappreciated at time. Those of you with small children or those of you who have once had small children probably can understand where I am coming from. Although, my husband is always telling me thank you for this and that, it just sometimes isn't enough. It's not his fault. I am a woman. :) I have unrealistic expectations sometimes.

You see, some days I feel like I do the same things over and over and over again. Clean up the toys, do the laundry, make the bed, put ALL the books away that are scattered hither and yon, unload the dishwasher, load the dishwasher, make supper, do baths for the kids, pick up the toys again, and then do it all over the next day. I wonder if anybody really notices, or if anybody really appreciates it. Or, is it just expected? As I was wiping away the tears, and wiping the snot from every crevice of my face (or so it seemed), I was reminded of an incident that happened just a few weeks ago......

The morning had been a not so good morning. Both kids were just in one of those moods. Crying, whining, not listening, etc. I had to go to the store for something (don't remember what for), and as I was driving to the store, I prayed that there would be a parking spot open beside one of the "cart collector stations." (not sure what they are really called) I wanted it to be a very fast trip, and this was just one of those things that would make this trip more smooth. I got to Meijer, and it was PACKED. Great! One more thing! I circled the parking lot and the only spots left were far out, not by the carts. I debated whether or not just to go home, but I had to get this item so we had to go in. I got out of my car, and a gentleman came towards me with a cart. He said..."Ma'am, would you like to have my cart?" I looked at him with tears welling up in my eyes. I said, "Yes. Yes I sure would! You have no idea how much this cart means to me!!" He looked at me with such confusion on his face and walked away. That was my reminder that God does care about the little things in life. He does notice when I pick up those lego's for the 100th time that day. He does see me cook a meal for my family day after day. He does hear those sighs while putting the books back on the shelf. See, what may have seemed like a funny prayer to me to get a parking spot by the carts, wasn't a funny prayer to God. Just like He cares about our biggest problems, He cares about those small things too.

So as I was sniffling myself to sleep last night, it was like God reminded me of that one afternoon in the Meijer parking lot. Those things that I do day after day after day, He sees. He appreciates. He notices. So, if God cares about these little things that you and I do, then surely He knows the anxiety about I have about our future. I am reminded of an old hymn. I have been humming it all day.

"God will take care of you, through everyday, o'er all the way. He will take care of you, God will take care of you."

So whether it be a shopping cart, or a move, or a family tragedy....God knows. God cares. God gives grace.

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