Tuesday, April 7, 2015

F is for: Facts

Couldn't get in the mindset to write something creative, uplifting, funny, etc....so I am jsut gonna give you some facts about myself. :)

1. I was brought back to life twice at the age of 2

2. My greatest fears are snakes, spiders, failure, and death

3. I am an adoptive mom of two beautiful children

4. I failed my driving test once before I passed

5. Some of my biggest pet peeves are: hearing people chew, when people lick their fingers, when lights are left on, anything sticky, when phones become more important that interacting with people, etc...

6. Some of my favorite things: lines in the carpet after vacuuming, Plexus, warm bubble baths, jordan almonds, pedicures, sunsets, sand between my toes, the Gaither's (yes, I know I am only 29 :) ), the color red, a new outfit, banana bread, flannel sheets, strawberry limeade's, Christmas, tanning, a soft blanket, etc...

7. I have always wanted to go to Hawaii

8. Two of my biggest dreams are to open a homeless shelter and to write a children's book about adoption

9. I have always wanted 4-6 kids

10. I have always wanted to jump in a pool of either spaghetti or Jell-O :)

11. Some of my favorite movies are: Planes, Trains, and Automobiles...Bridesmaids...Dirty Dancing...What's Eating Gilbert Grape....Sound of Music....Saving Mr. Banks......Titanic.....Pollyanna....League of their Own

12. I have a scar on my forehead from when my childhood friend, Kelly, pushed me down the stairs

13. I have to sleep with a fan on

14. I get scared when I am at home alone

15. I love to cook/bake

Well, that's it for now....time for bed!!!


  1. I agree with you about how it is sad when phones become more important than people. I think it is pretty easy to put down a phone when you are talking to someone in person. Texting can wait until later.

  2. I, too, am scared of spiders. I failed my driving test once before passing it, too; and I really want to go to Hawaii!

  3. Found a nest of just hatched baby spiders in my car once! Hope you'll come back to finish the A to Z Challenge! Lisa, co-host AtoZ 2015, @ http://www.lisabuiecollard.com
