Thursday, April 10, 2014


Infertility -
1. Absent or diminished fertility.
2. The persistent inability to conceive a child.
(WARNING: Something I feel so passionate about and this post may offend)
We got married in August of 2007. We had the same type of plan that most people have before getting hitched. We would enjoy our engagement, then we would get married, then we would start a family, then we would live happily ever after. Shortly after we got married, we learned that our plan was really not happening like we thought it was. I guess I grew up thinking that you got married, then you did "the deed," then you get pregnant. Yeah, not so much. Month after month, year after year nothing was happening. We were devastated. We still have not given up, but right now we are so wonderfully in love with our two precious children that God blessed us with through adoption and focusing on them. If another adoption came up, you betcha we would pursue it! But, right now at this present moment we have two beautiful children sound asleep under our roof.

So what is this post about?? I want you to become more aware about infertility and how greatly it affects all kinds of women around you. It doesn't matter if you are skinny or have extra poundage, eat healthy or unhealthy, tall or short, etc. Infertility affects all types of women. Infertility hurts. Infertility has the potential to tear marriages apart. Infertility can make you feel worthless. Infertility is a dark cloud looming over many women all over the world.

Just being honest, I have a few questions for God when I get to Heaven. (of course when I get there it won't matter anymore because Heaven will be more than I ever could imagine) Why do you allow women that drink, smoke, do drugs, and sleep around to get pregnant? Why do you allow girls/women to get pregnant out of wedlock when a lot of women who "do things the right way" can't get pregnant? Why do you let the girls/women get pregnant who are just going to abort them anyway? The answers to these questions I will probably never know. But, you just gotta wonder....

A few things as I end this post....
  1. If you have the wonderful PRIVILEGE of getting pregnant...don't EVER take it for granted
  2. Children are a blessing and a lot of hard work. So if you aren't ready for that kind of commitment and know how it
  3. Reach out to those women who are struggling around you. Pray for them, take them under your wing, encourage them
  4. Never assume that every woman can get pregnant, got pregnant, will get pregnant
  5. If you are pregnant and don't think you are ready for the responsibility of being a parent at this time in your life, please explore your options. A baby is a life. There are many couples and single parents praying for a child. You could make their dream come true.
  6. If you are pregnant...remember that there is another innocent life inside of you. Please don't smoke, partake of drugs, or drink. We have seen what that does to babies, and it is one of the hardest things we have ever had to watch.
  7. If you have a child/ on them, discipline them when necessary, and thank God every single day for them

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