Monday, April 14, 2014

L is for LABEL

This past Christmas, I got a label maker as one of my gifts from my sister. I was so excited because I had wanted one for a very long time, just never got around to getting one. I LOVE it! You can ask my husband, I label everything.... from our names on our towel rack, sippy cups, DVD's, etc. I simply love that little machine. Tonight I was in the bathroom and happened to glance at our towel rack. Seeing our names on our towel rack got me thinking. We don't just label items in our home, work, car, etc. We label people.

I myself am guilty on judging and putting labels on people. You might have even experienced being labeled.

"Slut, Irresponsible, Liar, Depressed, Disabled, Horrible Parent, Rebel, Cheater, Addict, Failure, Immature, Selfish, Different, Lazy, Gay, Lesbian, Freak, Nerd, Prep, Hateful, Hot-Head,...."

What if I told you that in God's eyes, you only have one label. In His eyes, He sees His creation. In His eyes, He looks past our failures and bad choices. He died on the cross because of our label. In His eyes, we are simply L-O-V-E-D. That is all. The labels that you have gotten in the past are from sinners just like you. Those labels are from humans just like us. With God, those labels are erased and forgotten. In Him, you are loved. As Easter approaches, this takes on a whole new meaning. Because He loved us so much, He died for us. He endured the worst treatment you can imagine. He carried His cross. Why?? Because we are loved. 

I want to challenge you to do something. I want you to take a few minutes and think back on your life and I want you to write down labels that you have been given over the years. After you write them down, give them to God and exchange those worldly labels for His label. Once you have handed those labels over, rip that paper up, burn it, take a black marker to it....whatever works to show yourself that those labels are GONE! Live like you are loved. Love that you are loved. Point others to that same Love.

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