Tuesday, April 15, 2014

So God Made a MOTHER

And on the 8th day, God looked down on His planned paradise and said, "I need a caretaker." So God made a mother.

God said, "I need somebody willing to get up before dawn, pack lunches, make breakfast, wake the kids, send them off to school, feed the baby, mop the floors, squeeze in a 30 second shower, work all day at home or the office, make supper, bathe the kids, read them a story, put the kids to bed so they can do it all again tomorrow." So God made a mother.

"I need somebody to know when to use tough love but also know when to be tender and compassionate. Somebody to oversee homework, wipe crocodile tears, keep hungry bellies full, put her own needs on the back burner until everyone else is taken care of, and to tell the kids that they are loved---and mean it." So God made a mother.

God said, " I need somebody willing to sit up all night praying for the hurting heart of a child, and watch him cry, then dry his eyes and say, 'God is still good.' I need somebody who can shape a child with encouraging words, praise her husband in the midst of chaos, one who can whip up a dinner out of a box of Bisquick, wash dishes and clean house. Someone who will put in 48 hours by Tuesday morning, with a list a mile long to get done by Friday." So God made a mother.

God had to have somebody willing to multitask at double speed to get everything done by the end of the day, and yet stop in the middle of a task to read Curious George Visits the Zoo to the attention craving child. So God made a mother.

God said, "I need somebody strong enough to discipline and teach lessons yet gentle enough to shed tears when her heart aches, who will stop everything she is doing to tend to a sick child. It had to be somebody who'd raise a child and point that child to Christ. Somebody to encourage, build up, love unconditionally, forgive, and one who would pray without ceasing.

Somebody who'd hold a family together when the going gets tough, who would laugh and cry, and then reply with smiling eyes when her son says he wants to marry someone just like her. ......


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